All things Team Cycle
Ride Across Georgia Team Ride Information
Relay Cyclist
Race Cost: 4 Person Team: $600 / 8 Person Team: $1200
Packet Pick-up: Friday, May 27, 2022, 6:00 to 8:00 pm - Fort Pulaski National Monument
Pre-Race Meeting: 5:30am at the start line.
Team Captains must bring the following items to packet pickup:
3 reflective vests
6 blinking lights
“forward facing” light with a minimum 60 lumens (i.e. headlamp)
Team Captains will pick up the following items at packet pickup:
Wrist bands (the relay “baton”)
4-8 Rider shirts
4 Crew shirts
Safety pins
Additional last minute instructions
Start Time:
Riders will select start times of either 6am Saturday Morning (athletes intend to make this a 2 day trip), or 6pm Saturday (athletes intend to ride straight through)
Finish Cutoff Times
7:30 p.m., Sunday, May 28th, 2022
The Course:
We have spent a lot time driving to lay out the RAG route and establish the transition points. The route is scenic, quiet and very rural. Drivers in the rural areas and most of the route will not be expecting cyclists. All cyclists must yield to all vehicles. Cyclists are expected to adhere to all traffic laws. Each cyclist needs to familiarize themselves with the overall map, the Map My Run Application, Strava, .gpx files and the written instructions. a wrong turn is made, the cyclist must ride your bike back to get back to where the error occurred and then resume the race. Failing to do so will result in disqualification.
Each team will check in at designated spots by texting or calling race central. In addition, athlete trackers must be running at all times and the course must be recorded on Strava.
Race Wrist Bands:
The official race wrist bands must be worn by the cyclist actively cycling. The wrist band will be the hand-off at each Relay Transition and are a condition to proper team check-in at the Finish Line. The wrist band will be issued to each team at packet pickup.
We will provide lists of motels, police/sheriff’s departments, fire stations and Port-o-lets that are available to use along the route. RAG will not provide any accommodations or aid. Cyclists can stay, eat and resupply anywhere they can arrange—hotel (not many along route), motel (plenty, but some are interesting), tents, farms, churches, etc.
Teams must be completely self-supported by their own means or via their own crew.
Please submit the names and phone numbers for anyone that will be crewing for you. Email this by May 14 to They will be required to sign a waiver..
The only mandatory rule is that the participant must complete the entire course under his/her own power. Participants cannot have any assistance in forward progress on the course. This includes riding in cars, drafting off vehicles, hanging on to vehicles, or physical support by other runners or crew.
Cyclist must have a trail vehicle at all times.
Riders, crew, and staff must not litter, mar, or pollute the landscape or environment. Port-o-lets will be available at select transitions.
Safety Requirements:
All cyclists will ride with traffic and abide all traffic laws.
All teams must have a trail vehicle. This vehicle is expected to drive behind cyclists, with their hazard lights blinking, at all times. The only exception is 2 miles from the finish line.
While riding during the hours of 8pm and 7am, riders are required to wear a safety vest and have a functioning headlight and taillight on their bike. These lights must be a minimum of 60 lumens. All riders (that are not riding) and all crew members must wear a reflective vest, as well as red blinking lights facing front and rear, anytime they are out of a vehicle between the hours of 8pm and 7am. Riders and crew members are encouraged to wear reflective material during the day as well.
If a driver pulls over on the side of the road all tires must be off the road AND must be far enough off the side of the road that the vehicle door will not open into traffic. We encourage you to park in parking lots whenever possible.
Always look and listen both ways before crossing the highways. Cyclists must yield to all vehicles. Remember that drivers will not expect to encounter cyclists or parked vehicles out on the course. Remember we are on public roads.
County Sheriff Departments and Police Departments along the route have been notified about this event. They are aware of the extra traffic and will be available for assistance.
Moisture Management:
Georgia is hot and humid in May. Moisture management is crucial for event success. Do not under estimate the effects of moisture. Rain is not uncommon this time of year, as well. Watch out for rubbing, chafing and blisters.
Vehicle Decorations and Team Names:
Vehicles need to conspicuously display a “cyclist on the road” sign in or on each vehicle. Runners will also be encouraged to decorate their car for the event. There will be a Best Car Award.
All cyclists are encouraged to decorate their vehicles. We ask that the decorations be tasteful and appropriate for all ages. Teams with offensive names or decorations will be asked to change names and remove decorations.
As per Georgia State Law, strobe lights are not permitted.
Rider Rotation:
Teams are required to establish a rider rotation and keep the same rotation/order throughout the entire race. Teams cannot substitute new riders once the race starts. Only riders on the registered team may ride the race.
To be considered a competitive team, each team must adhere to the following:
Establish a cyclist rotation
Maintain the same cyclist rotation at all times
A cyclist is out of the race if they get injured, sick or tired and cannot complete or start a leg. The cyclist cannot rest, hydrate, recover and/or medicate and return to the rotation further down the road. The team will automatically become a non-competitive team if the cyclist re-enters the race.
If a cyclist drops out during their leg, there are 3 options:
The next rider in the rotation may continue the leg and also complete their next leg. For example: If rider #1 cannot complete leg 5, rider #2 will complete leg 5. At the end of the leg rider #2 will then complete leg 6. Riders 2, 3 and 4 would continue in their rotation order until the finish line is reached.
The next rider in the rotation may continue the leg and would hand off to the next rider at the end of leg 5. For example, if rider #1 cannot complete leg 5, rider #2 will complete leg 5. Rider #2 would hand off to Rider #3 at the end of leg 5 and Rider #3 will complete leg 6. Riders 2, 3 and 4 would continue in their rotation order until the finish line is reached.
If rider #1 cannot complete leg 5, rider #2 will complete leg 5. The 3 remaining cyclists choose to allow Rider #1 to jump back into rotation at any point, forfeiting their competitive status and becoming a non-competitive team.
Finish Line Celebration:
The finish line is on Broadway in Columbus, Georgia. RAG Celebration will be at the finish line on Sunday evening from 3:30pm-7:30pm. Food will be provided for participants and crew. You are welcome and encouraged to invite your family and friends to greet you at the finish line. Food and drinks for donation will be available for friends and family.
Awards Ceremony:
Awards Ceremony will start at 7:30pm Awards will be given for the following categories:
1st Place Overall
All participants will also be in the running for “best team spirit/car decoration ”, and “best t-shirt” swag bags.
Fundraising awards will be awarded after the fundraising period ends.
General Notes:
All participants must be a minimum of 18 years old at time of race. There are no exceptions.
Do not underestimate the difficulty of what you are about to attempt. The race is always hotter, longer, harder and more challenging than you can image or remember. Please prepare mentally, physically and logistically for what is about to happen.
Please use public bathroom or Port-o-let along the race route. In the event you must use nature’s bathroom, please make sure it is in an area that is out of the way and cover it with leaves or pine straw.
Please be courteous of businesses and personal property along the route ensuring everyone involved has a positive experience.
Please like/follow Run Across Georgia on Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook. Be sure to hashtag #RAG. Let us know if you have a public page so we can follow.
The Run Across Georgia website will have a chart logging the progress of participants. Please
Important Dates:
May 18, 2022: All logos for corporate sponsorships must be submitted to in .eps or .ai format
May 27, 2022: 4:00pm-7:00pm - packet pick up for all cyclists and run relays- Fort Pulaski Gate
May 28, 2022: Cyclists and run relays begin! 6am - Tybee Island Pier
May 29, 2022: 4:00pm-8:00pm - Finish Line Party
May 29, 2022: 7:30pm - 8:30pm - Finish Line Ceremony
June 15, 2021: Fundraising period closes